Software for Home Builders and Condo Builders

H.O.M.E.S. Sample Document


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Sample Document: Request for Extras (Extras Sheet)


Please Note: The document has been scaled down and converted to an image for those viewing with small screens.

The actual documents are printed on full legal-size paper and are much more clear.


Above is an example of a purchaser's Request for Extras. This is the document generated when a customer wishes to purchase additional extras that are not part of the original purchase agreement, like an invoice. Naturally, your Request for Extras may differ, and that is fine because you can customize your documents any way you wish since they are printed using Microsoft Word® document templates.

The above example includes images of selected extras purchased. (Inclusion of images is optional.)

As with all purchaser documents generated by H.O.M.E.S., signature tags are embedded automatically for e-signing and also automatically adjusted taking into consideration the number of purchasers for the lot/unit.

Notice that all purchaser, lot/unit, model and financial information is filled in for you. When you print a document, H.O.M.E.S. automatically fills in the information from the database in the template's designated positions. There is a multitude of information that can be inserted, typically including anything pertinent to the offer. You can even customize the columns in the body of the document to display discounts, net prices, taxes etc if you wish. After naming the column, H.O.M.E.S. will automatically insert the appropriate information.

This sample Request for Extras is for a project where the builder wishes to break out taxes. If you prefer to display more or less information, no problem! Here, there has been a discount applied to the extra(s), however if there are no discounts applied, no total discounts will be displayed. (The H.O.M.E.S. system can also restrict discounts to a maximum percentage by option to ensure a minimum profit margin is attained.)

Extras and Colour Chart selections may be entered into the system at your decor centre, sales office, head office or on-line from anywhere via Zoom® or similar services, and H.O.M.E.S. will ensure all your offices are kept up-to-date.

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